October • 19 • 2020
A Call for Action: Insights From a Decade of Malpractice Claims
This milestone report is a call for action to make a greater—and more effective—investment in a safer healthcare delivery model.
This report provides an in-depth look into 10 years of malpractice claims data (2010-2019) and highlights renewed areas of focus for healthcare providers, administrators, and executives. It explores how efforts in the decade following the 10-year anniversary of To Err Is Human (published in 1999 by the Institute of Medicine) have not delivered optimal results. It raises vital questions and renewed areas of focus, not just for Coverys but for the healthcare industry at large.
Data provides a glimpse into our past to inform the future. The ability to parse and examine claims data from many angles enables us to understand trends, reveal fresh insights, and make recommendations to help improve patient safety.
View Interactive Report Overview
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