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December • 15 • 2021
A Guide to Purchasing Medical Professional Liability Insurance
When selecting an insurance provider, consider your unique coverage needs and gather information about the insurance company. What is their A.M. Best rating? Are they financially stable? Can they meet your business requirements? How would a claim against you be handled?
You’ve invested a great deal of time and effort in your profession. Medical professional liability insurance is a vital component of protecting your career and your reputation. Choosing the company and the coverage that are right for you deserves careful consideration and a thorough understanding of your needs and options.
This guide provides important information about medical professional liability insurance — whether you are just beginning your medical career, are launching a practice, or simply want to learn more.
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This guide provides important information about medical professional liability insurance — whether you are just beginning your medical career, are launching a practice, or simply want to learn more.
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Copyrighted. No legal or medical advice intended. This post includes general risk management guidelines. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal or medical developments. These informational materials are not intended, and must not be taken, as legal or medical advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances.